It is a charity event hosted by transportation professionals to raise money for Hungry for Christ Food Ministry and Arbor Circle.
Plaid Shirt Night Holland West Michigan
Well, I guess we are not out of the “woods” yet…
We are sorry to do this once again, but the board has decided to postpone Plaid Shirt Night on the recommendations from the Ottawa County Health Department due to safety concerns around the increasing COVID cases in West Michigan. We were looking forward to this year’s event with you, but we do not want to risk anyone’s health and wellness. We truly hoped things would be safer out there for large indoor events than they currently are. The Ottawa County Health Department is tracking the positive cases, hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID. They are comparing the data with other States to try and predict the trend and the peak. All numbers are trending upward quickly, and it would appear to them that it may peak sometime around the mid to end of October, right when we were planning on hosting Plaid Shirt Night. Although there is currently no State mandate that would stop us from hosting the event, the Ottawa County Health Department is strongly encouraging us to not hold the event in person. Knowing the nature of our event, and our attendees, we felt as a board, it would be prudent to postpone our event. If a COVID breakout were to occur at our event, it could have a long-lasting negative effect on the transportation industry in West Michigan. In lieu of hosting the event in person, we will be conducting a virtual fund raiser through GoFundMe. Details will be coming soon. Hungry For Christ Food Ministry and Arbor Circle needs our help and support. The demands on their organizations have never been higher, at a time when giving is dramatically down. We hope that you can find it in your heart to support these two important causes in our community. We appreciate your support through the years and hope to come back next year better than ever. Be safe, and we hope you get outdoors this fall and enjoy our beautiful State.
God Bless,
The Plaid Shirt Night Board